cheap saint vincent flights

Saint Vincent Hotel Deals

Saint Vincent Flights

Saint Vincent Flights
Saint Vincent Flights

Saint Vincent is located in the Lesser Antilles near Grenada, Saint Lucia and Barbados. There are currently no direct flights from the contiguous States in the United States to Saint Vincent. However you can have direct flights to any of the nearby Island nations and then catch a connecting flight to Saint Vincent.

From the Unites States, you can catch a direct flight to Barbados, St Lucia, or Grenada (30 minutes away), Martinique (45 minutes away from St Vincent), Trinidad (1 hour away), or Puerto Rico ( around 2 and half hours away)

There are many major international airlines serving the above destinations with many cheap flights to Saint Vincent from there. Once in any of the above destinations, you can take Caribbean Airlines or LIAT to Saint Vincent.

Saint Vincent has 6 airports with the biggest being E.T. Joshua International which is also known as Arnos Vale Airport because it is located in Arnos Vale near Kingstown. Its airport symbol is SVD.

For travelers from the US, American Airlines has a direct flight from Miami MIA to SVD. International airlines often have a direct flight to SVD via Piarco Airport (POS) in Trinidad.

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